When travelling off-road, it's hard to believe that 'going bush' requires so much equipment. So make sure your vehicle is packed safely and effectively and that you and your supplies arrive in one piece.
To maximise the storage space in your 4WD or wagon, you can have a storage system from Adelaide Off-Road installed quickly and easily. This storage system includes innovative features such as roller draws for easy access to luggage and equipment as well as a fridge roller to allow for drinks breaks during the trip without having to unpack. A specially designed fridge roller is also important as it allows for the necessary air flow around the fridge unit to ensure no other luggage falls and blocks the air vents, affecting the fridge's operation.
It is important to have all luggage stored correctly in the rear of the vehicle, to avoid injury or accidents and a cargo barrier is recommended. Anything within your car can become a dangerous projectile in an accident. A small 1kg object turns into a 60kg projectile when a vehicle travelling at 60km/h is involved in an accident.
A cargo barrier can be bolted on to existing points within the vehicle with no extra drilling required. You can also have a full or half cargo barrier, where a half cargo barrier bolts onto an existing storage system.
Adelaide Off-Road storage systems and cargo barriers are rated and tested Black Widow systems. You could install both systems yourself, but to save on stress, they can be professionally fitted.
There is a system to suit your vehicle, whatever make or model at Adelaide Off-Road, 52 The Parade Norwood. Contact Adelaide Off-Road on 08 8363 5999.